The American Lung Association’s State of Tobacco Control 2016report is in, and the results are troubling. No state receives all “A’s” and eight states receive all “F’s.” Even more troubling? California, once a national leader on tobacco control, is falling behind.

Here’s how California adds up according to the report:

* an F grade for Tobacco Prevention Program Funding,
* an F grade for Tobacco Taxes,
* a B grade for Smokefree Air, and

* an F grade for Access to Tobacco Cessation Treatments.

How did Marin County do?

Smoke-Free Marin

A Report of the Surgeon General, 2014
The Health Consequences of Smoking

50 Years of Progress:

The Report
Executive Summary
Full Report: This comprehensive report chronicles the devastating consequences of 50 years of tobacco use in the United States.

Video and Podcast Series

A public service announcement (PSA) designed to educate adults about the long-term impact of tobacco use on this nation’s future – its youth. The PSA points out that 5.6 million children alive today will ultimately die early from smoking if we do not do more to reduce current smoking rates.
Learn more about the progress of tobacco control in the 50th Anniversary on Smoking and Health Video and Podcast Series, featuring interviews from key leaders in the fight against tobacco. 

Consumer Booklet
This easy-to-read, illustrated booklet summarizes the Surgeon General’s Report released in January, 2014. It is designed to give concerned adults information to help them make choices that will improve their own health and the health of their children, their families, and their communities.

Fact Sheets